Monday, October 24, 2016

Why Should You Use 3D Cartoon Character for Explainer Videos?

According to research, explainer videos have the ability to increase conversion rates by 20 percent or more. The purpose of explainer videos is in its names. Companies use explainer videos to tell the public sitting behind their computer screen or handheld device about their company, brand, and product and services. It is a good way to get the word out there.

However, before they can produce and publish an explainer video, they have to decide on the type of animation they should use in it. They can use several types of animation to advertise their company, ranging from 2D animation, motion graphic videos, all the way to 3D animation.

The question they need to answer is the type of character animation they should use to develop their explainer videos. If you ask us, we would recommend 3D animation, as it is all the rage right now. In order to understand why people prefer 3D cartoon character animation to others, it is important to look at the three different types of animation techniques first.

1.      2D Animation

2D animation is one of the most widely used designs. By far, it is one of the most commonly used. 2D animation provides several possibilities based on characters and colors and gives you more control over the animated characters. If it makes sense to use 2D animation, you should. If everyone in your field is using it—which they most probably are—you should refrain from using it. Try to be different and stand out from the rest.

2.      Motion Graphic

Motion graphic videos offer you the ability to make your video colorful and present a straightforward explainer video. Motion graphic allows you to provide viewers with several facts about your company and give you creative freedom to develop the perfect explainer video. To portray your message, you can use different styles, fonts, and options. The downside to using motion graphic is that they limit creativity.

3.      3D Animation

3D animation is a unique way to introduce your company to the viewers. It provides you with several different options and gives you the ability to create a high quality video. Even though 3D animation is costly and takes a long time to produce, they are a great way to grab and maintain your viewer’s attention. With a 3D animation video, you will be able to stand out from the pack. Your explainer videos will have a different appeal entirely than others.

Making the Choice

To make a choice between the different types of methods to use to develop an explainer video, here is what you need to do:

  •        Write down what you want to see in your explainer video.
  •     Consider what is important about the message you are trying to convey and the best technique to convey it.
  •         Consider the personality traits of your clients (how they would react? What their age is? And more)
  •     Consider your budget.
  •     Search for a company that can help you create an effective explainer video.

What would we recommend? We would tell you to go with 3D animation for your explainer video because it is a unique and different option.

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